
Privacy Policy

Internet Privacy Statement

This privacy statement concerns this website which is owned and operated by Aperture2 Pty Ltd.

Any personal information gathered from users of ospreymarthacove.com.au website is for the sole use of communicating with our clients and audience.

In using this website, you may be asked to disclose personally identifiable information when you:
Send us your inquiries, comments, suggestions or feedback
Register for any services offered on this site
Subscribe to our automatic database updating system
Request sales and advertising information

In all cases of receiving your personal information, we assure you that information will be held in the upmost promise of confidentiality. Users of this website are promised the strictest confidentiality of personal information, and Aperture2 Pty Ltd will remove personally identifiable information from its current operational systems upon request. Personal information obtained from users is securely stored and access is restricted to authorised Aperture2 Pty Ltd’s personnel only, ensuring that your personal information is secure, protected and safeguarded.

The information Aperture2 Pty Ltd receives from users enables the provision of better services that are tailored to your needs. Information gathered is analysed and changes are made to the business in order to make our services more relevant to today’s market. Identifiable characteristics and the users name remain anonymous.

Information accumulated is used to respond to your needs and provide service beyond expectations to our market. Your email address will only be recorded if you send us a message electronically and will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided. Personally identifiable content will not be in use for any other purposes and not accessible to any other third party unless unequivocally communicated on the submission of information. Access to your information is restricted to Aperture2 Pty Ltd’s personnel only and you are assured complete privacy of information you wish to disclose, however where it is necessary for law enforcement purposes or where it is believed to be threat to a person’s health or safety we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties as required from us by the law. Aperture2 Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility for information and content of third party websites from which our properties
are featured upon.

Privacy Policy

The privacy of personal information you provide to us (your personal information) is important to us. The following privacy policy governs the collection and use of your personal information by Aperture2 Pty Ltd, subsidiaries, employees, real estate agents, Contractors and the Agent/Broker that will assist you (“we”, “us” or “the Group”).
This privacy policy sets out how we intend to respect your rights to privacy in accordance with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

How we collect personal information

We may collect personal information from you through our inspections, through our Agents, when interviewing you, from our website and from competitions and promotions to which you choose to respond.

The personal information we collect

We collect personal information about you to enable us to assess your suitability and eligibility for buying or selling a property, property management services, applying for a home loans, insurance policy or for the provision of other services. The types of personally identifiable information we may collect include your name, address, telephone number, email, occupation and financial information.

When we request your personal information, we will endeavour to specify which information we require for our purposes and which information may be provided at your option. You may choose not to supply any optional information requested by us but our ability to assist you may be restricted.

If you give us personal information about another person, you represent that you are authorised to do so and agree that you have obtained consent from that person for us to use and disclose their personal information and that they may access any personal information we hold about them.

How we use your personal information

We use your personal information to assist us in:
Conducting our business;
Completing a transaction to which the provision of that personal information relates, for example, in the completion of application forms;
To communicate information about our products and services to you;
For our internal administrative, marketing, planning, product development and research requirements;
At any time you may opt out of receiving any communications from us (other than as required for the operation of our business). If you wish to opt out of receiving communications from us please either contact your Agent or our Privacy Officer whose contact details are set out later in this policy.

Your access rights to the personal information we hold

At any time, you may ask us to provide you with a list of the personal information we hold about you, and copies of that personal information. We will endeavour to provide you with the data within 30 days of receiving your request. We may charge you a small fee to cover any administrative costs that we may incur in providing personal information to you.

If you believe for any reason that we are holding inaccurate or incomplete data about you, you may ask us to correct it. We will consider if the information requires amendment. If we do not agree that there are grounds for amendment, then we will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree with it.

Financial information becomes out of date very quickly and so we will update that information if it is required in any future dealings we may have with you.
We will take reasonable steps to destroy or remove identifying information of your personal information, when your personal information is no longer required for our business functions.

Disclosure of your personal information to others

We may disclose your personal information to our related bodies corporate, our Agents, service providers, property data service providers and agents that we use in the ordinary operation of our business.

We will only use and disclose your personal information for the purposes that we collected the personal information, such as:
assisting you with the sale of a property;
assisting a third party purchase your property;
to assist you to locate a suitable property;
whether you may qualify for a property, loan and/or insurance product;
for administrative purposes, such as data processing, printing or mailing;
to update a referrer with the general progress of a product sold to you (excluding any sensitive information); and/or for other services that we offer that you may require.

How we store your personal information

We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or exposure. We require all our Employee, Contractors and Agents (Representatives) to maintain the confidentiality of customer information.

Access to information stored electronically is restricted to our Representatives whose job requires access to the information.

Access to our computer systems is restricted through password protection. If we no longer need your personal information, we destroy or remove the identity information.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time to comply with new laws or codes of practice which may be developed. We may also change this policy to include any new products or services we may provide from time to time.

Open For Inspection Collection Notice

Privacy Act 1988, Spam Act 2003, Do Not Call Register Act 2006 and the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.

We store and use your personal information collected from you at the opens for inspections for security purposes on behalf of our clients.

We will also use your personal information to contact you by means of any officer, contractor, employee or agent in relation to this property as well as other properties, products and services which we believe may be of interest to you and for customer feedback on our services.

In providing your personal information you consent to us collecting, storing and using your personal information in the manner set out above and you consent to us disclosing your personal information to our related bodies corporate and each of their officers, contractors, employees and agents who may collect, store and use of your personal information in the manner set out above.

Contacting us and feedback

You can make any requests relating to your personal information held by us or any complaints regarding treatment of your privacy by contacting:

Legal Information

By accessing and using Aperture2 Pty Ltd’s website, you are agreeing to the following clauses:


Aperture2 Pty Ltd believe that the information contained in this website is correct. However, no representation or warranties of any nature are given, intended or implied and you should rely on your own enquires to determine the accuracy of material available on this website.

The information contained on each individual property for sale or for rent has been gathered from the vendor or landlord of the property and professional service providers. We cannot verify its accuracy either way. Prospective purchasers or tenants must rely on their own enquiries and should verify accuracy of information before proceeding with a purchase or lease.

Please note, the material available is general information only, and is subject to change without notice. The information held within this website should not be relied on as a substitute for legal, financial, real-estate or other expert advice. Aperture2 Pty Ltd disclaims all liability, responsibility and negligence for direct and indirect loss or damage suffered by any person arising from the use of information presented on this website or material that arises from it.


All material available from Aperture2 Pty Ltd’s website is copyright material under the ownership of Aperture2 Pty Ltd. Aside from fair dealing permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, visitors are granted permission to download or display this website’s material for private purposes only, in keeping that they abide with the disclaimer above. For use of copyright material beyond privacy or research purposes, a written expression of the request of permission must be sought from Aperture2 Pty Ltd’s.

If permission is given by Aperture2 Pty Ltd, material may be reproduced with the copyright owner’s name and interest acknowledged. Upon the reproduction of information, it is your assumed responsibility to ensure the accuracy of material at any time, as it is subject to change without notice as outlined above.